Monday, May 7, 2012

When social meets mobile: your brand’s future is on your hands

 By Evana Wu

You may still be thinking of improving Facebook fan page for your brand. But people are not talking only about social anymore. The social and mobile marketing come together as a big opportunity. Mobile phone has become the major way people interact with others and brands. For those brands that act ahead of mobile trend, they grow with their customers. For those not, they may fade away just like those that failed to follow the web 2.0 trend.

Even Facebook itself is catching up with the SoLoMo revolution. Facebook increased investment on its mobile team. It even bought its biggest newborn competitor Instagram. The recent success of Path, Pinterest and Instagram all show us how different social platforms could be when they are born with mobile. Instead of desk-centric social network, Instagram adopted the mobile-first principle in building its community and made sharing beauty experiences so easy on a phone. Path and Pinterest catch the similar spirit and leverage the mobile trend to personalize user experiences. These “mocial” platforms make social meets the mobile and largely built on emotion sharing.

Your brand’s future is on your hands. Play with them and start with the following 3 steps to go “mocial”:

1. Think of your mobile touch points with consumers

How to improve your customer experiences on mobile? How to provide services or products that are close to their mobile experiences?

2. Make your content engaging and easy to share on mobiles
Think beyond just phones. How would your consumers use tablets or smartphone and what ways of communication they would be engaged to share?

3. Develop image strategy
Visual images are easier to share and engage on mobile phones. Develop image strategy for your brands so consumers want to “pin” about.

Evana is a graduate student at Northwestern's Medill School, studying Integrated Marketing Communication, specialized in digital marketing and data analytics. She is highly interested in the technology industries. Follow her @evanawu and connect with her on LinkedIn: Evana Wu.

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